Local Professional Development

California School Library Association (CSLA)
CSLA 2024 Conference
January 25-28, 2024
Costa Mesa, CA
CSLA advocates for excellence in school library programs, develops leaders in the school library field, and collaborates with other educational leaders to ensure that all California students are effective, responsible users and creators of ideas and information.
CSLA 2024 Conference
January 25-28, 2024
Costa Mesa, CA
CSLA advocates for excellence in school library programs, develops leaders in the school library field, and collaborates with other educational leaders to ensure that all California students are effective, responsible users and creators of ideas and information.
The CATDC offers topic-specific workshops, held in various schools throughout the year, which allow teachers to find the resources they need most, to hone their skills, and to learn innovative uses of technology. Retreats, seminars, and a broad range of networking opportunities keep teachers informed of developments state-wide and encourage educators to take on leadership roles while working collaboratively to create a teaching environment that is rewarding, inspiring, and productive. See current and upcoming programs offered here.

Charlotte S. Huck Children's Literature Festival
March 1-2, 2024
Redlands, CA
Each year, the festival brings together educators librarians, parents, students, authors, illustrators, editors and those interested in children’s literature for a unique combination of full conference and small group sessions. This year, our faculty is once again chosen from the “best of the best.”
Award winning 2024 Festival faculty include Mac Barnett, Tami Charles, Gennifer Choldenko, Dan Santat, Sylvia Vardell and Janet Wong.
Why do people come—and keep coming back? In the words of past participants, it is: “A small, intimate conference where you can spend time with the authors and illustrators.” “A unique opportunity to spend time with others who share a passion about children’s books.” “Practical ideas for my classroom” and library.
March 1-2, 2024
Redlands, CA
Each year, the festival brings together educators librarians, parents, students, authors, illustrators, editors and those interested in children’s literature for a unique combination of full conference and small group sessions. This year, our faculty is once again chosen from the “best of the best.”
Award winning 2024 Festival faculty include Mac Barnett, Tami Charles, Gennifer Choldenko, Dan Santat, Sylvia Vardell and Janet Wong.
Why do people come—and keep coming back? In the words of past participants, it is: “A small, intimate conference where you can spend time with the authors and illustrators.” “A unique opportunity to spend time with others who share a passion about children’s books.” “Practical ideas for my classroom” and library.

Lifelong Information Literacy Instruction (LiLi)
LiLi 2023 Conference
July 27-28
Free online via Zoom
2024 dates and details TBA
LILi = a group of librarians, library staff, and information professionals from various types of libraries, investigating information literacy definitions, standards and instruction, in order to craft effective models of lifelong, sequential information literacy instruction.
LiLi 2023 Conference
July 27-28
Free online via Zoom
2024 dates and details TBA
LILi = a group of librarians, library staff, and information professionals from various types of libraries, investigating information literacy definitions, standards and instruction, in order to craft effective models of lifelong, sequential information literacy instruction.